Lightning 1:  Golf Ball 0

In San Antonio, Texas,  a group of teenagers decided to hit some balls at their local Top Golf.  A storm came and the kids decided to leave, but  18 year old Tomas Gomez wanted to get one more hit in before leaving.  One of his friends in the group just happen to be video taping this rare and unforgettable shot, as the ball was traveling 88 mph and was hit by lightning in mid flight.  Although everyone was frightened, no one was hurt.   (Read More to see what happened next….)    

A group of Texas teens witnessed a rare moment when an airborne golf ball was hit by lighting in mid flight.

It’s a moment the group of teens and their little brother will never forget, and it was all caught on camera by Arlette Ibarra.

“I was trying to flip the camera because my fingers were wet from the rain, and then flipped it, got it, and now we’re blown up,” Arlette Ibarra said.

“‘Alright let me hit this last shot,’ and I told her to record it. And then I swung it, and then next thing the lightning is coming out of the sky, hitting the ball,” said Tomas Gomez, the golfer whose ball was struck.

In the initial shock, he and his friends had no idea what they caught on video.

They were more concerned about trying to get to safety after the lightning bolt boomed just feet away from their bay at Top Golf.

“Right after the lightning hit, the whole place shook. The lights were flickering, the computer reset, everything,” Andres Gomez said.

“It could have hit me, it could have hit her, it could have hit any of us,” Tomas Gomez said. “It was actually pretty scary after I was thinking about it for a while.”

Not to mention, Tomas Gomez was holding essentially a lightning rod in a golf club in his follow-through swing.

After the shock of what had just happened dissipated and their nerves calmed, they all watched the video and was awed by what they had just seen.

The video they took has gone viral and has gotten attention world wide from Daily Mail, Barstool, to ESPN UK.

The group is all smiles now, and Tomas Gomez swears if it wasn’t for the lightning, the ball was going to go over the fence.

“Get your shoulders loose, you know, just looking at the ball, you go back and boom, and it’s gone,” he said. “Or it gets struck by lighting.”

According to Topgolf, everyone evacuated the facility safely, and there were no injuries.  Topgolf posted this video on their instagram the next day.

The teens say they can laugh about it now but they were very frightened when it first happened.  Tomas was very lucky that the lightning hit the ball and not him being that he was holding a golf club, which could have acted as a lightning rod.  The children were very fortunate this day.  It is definately a day none of them will ever forget.


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